加密软件 谷歌搜registration codes python和license keys python https://www.nuvovis.com/python-software-licensing.html https://build-system.fman.io/generating-license-keys https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/95499/register-login-and-authentication-through-terminal 获取MAC地址并生成序列号,从序列号生成激活密钥 secrets模块资料 https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/the-new-way-to-generate-secure-tokens-in-python # 不足十位左边加零 while True: num = input('Enter a number : ') print('The zero-padded number is : ', str(num).rjust(10, '0')) 查找n个自然数的和 # Sum of natural numbers up to num num = 16 if num < 0 : print ( "Enter a positive number" ) else : sum = 0 # use while loop to iterate until zero while ( num > 0 ) : sum + = num num - = 1 print ( "The sum is" , sum ) 使用匿名函数显示整数2的幂 # Display the powers of 2 using anonymous function ...