
tkinter 练习之信息录入并保存进excel






# import openpyxl and tkinter modules
from openpyxl import *
from tkinter import *

# globally declare wb and sheet variable

# opening the existing excel file
wb = load_workbook('C:\\Users\\Admin\\Desktop\\excel.xlsx')

# create the sheet object
sheet = wb.active

def excel():

# resize the width of columns in
# excel spreadsheet
sheet.column_dimensions['A'].width = 30
sheet.column_dimensions['B'].width = 10
sheet.column_dimensions['C'].width = 10
sheet.column_dimensions['D'].width = 20
sheet.column_dimensions['E'].width = 20
sheet.column_dimensions['F'].width = 40
sheet.column_dimensions['G'].width = 50

# write given data to an excel spreadsheet
# at particular location
sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).value = "Name"
sheet.cell(row=1, column=2).value = "Course"
sheet.cell(row=1, column=3).value = "Semester"
sheet.cell(row=1, column=4).value = "Form Number"
sheet.cell(row=1, column=5).value = "Contact Nmber"
sheet.cell(row=1, column=6).value = "Email id"
sheet.cell(row=1, column=7).value = "Address"

# Function to set focus (cursor)
def focus1(event):
# set focus on the course_field box

# Function to set focus
def focus2(event):
# set focus on the sem_field box

# Function to set focus
def focus3(event):
# set focus on the form_no_field box

# Function to set focus
def focus4(event):
# set focus on the contact_no_field box

# Function to set focus
def focus5(event):
# set focus on the email_id_field box

# Function to set focus
def focus6(event):
# set focus on the address_field box

# Function for clearing the
# contents of text entry boxes
def clear():

# clear the content of text entry box
name_field.delete(0, END)
course_field.delete(0, END)
sem_field.delete(0, END)
form_no_field.delete(0, END)
contact_no_field.delete(0, END)
email_id_field.delete(0, END)
address_field.delete(0, END)

# Function to take data from GUI
# window and write to an excel file
def insert():

# if user not fill any entry
# then print "empty input"
if (name_field.get() == "" and
course_field.get() == "" and
sem_field.get() == "" and
form_no_field.get() == "" and
contact_no_field.get() == "" and
email_id_field.get() == "" and
address_field.get() == ""):

print("empty input")


# assigning the max row and max column
# value upto which data is written
# in an excel sheet to the variable
current_row = sheet.max_row
current_column = sheet.max_column

# get method returns current text
# as string which we write into
# excel spreadsheet at particular location
sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=1).value = name_field.get()
sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=2).value = course_field.get()
sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=3).value = sem_field.get()
sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=4).value = form_no_field.get()
sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=5).value = contact_no_field.get()
sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=6).value = email_id_field.get()
sheet.cell(row=current_row + 1, column=7).value = address_field.get()

# save the file

# set focus on the name_field box

# call the clear() function

# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":

# create a GUI window
root = Tk()

# set the background colour of GUI window
root.configure(background='light green')

# set the title of GUI window
root.title("registration form")

# set the configuration of GUI window


# create a Form label
heading = Label(root, text="Form", bg="light green")

# create a Name label
name = Label(root, text="Name", bg="light green")

# create a Course label
course = Label(root, text="Course", bg="light green")

# create a Semester label
sem = Label(root, text="Semester", bg="light green")

# create a Form No. lable
form_no = Label(root, text="Form No.", bg="light green")

# create a Contact No. label
contact_no = Label(root, text="Contact No.", bg="light green")

# create a Email id label
email_id = Label(root, text="Email id", bg="light green")

# create a address label
address = Label(root, text="Address", bg="light green")

# grid method is used for placing
# the widgets at respective positions
# in table like structure .
heading.grid(row=0, column=1)
name.grid(row=1, column=0)
course.grid(row=2, column=0)
sem.grid(row=3, column=0)
form_no.grid(row=4, column=0)
contact_no.grid(row=5, column=0)
email_id.grid(row=6, column=0)
address.grid(row=7, column=0)

# create a text entry box
# for typing the information
name_field = Entry(root)
course_field = Entry(root)
sem_field = Entry(root)
form_no_field = Entry(root)
contact_no_field = Entry(root)
email_id_field = Entry(root)
address_field = Entry(root)

# bind method of widget is used for
# the binding the function with the events

# whenever the enter key is pressed
# then call the focus1 function
name_field.bind("<Return>", focus1)

# whenever the enter key is pressed
# then call the focus2 function
course_field.bind("<Return>", focus2)

# whenever the enter key is pressed
# then call the focus3 function
sem_field.bind("<Return>", focus3)

# whenever the enter key is pressed
# then call the focus4 function
form_no_field.bind("<Return>", focus4)

# whenever the enter key is pressed
# then call the focus5 function
contact_no_field.bind("<Return>", focus5)

# whenever the enter key is pressed
# then call the focus6 function
email_id_field.bind("<Return>", focus6)

# grid method is used for placing
# the widgets at respective positions
# in table like structure .
name_field.grid(row=1, column=1, ipadx="100")
course_field.grid(row=2, column=1, ipadx="100")
sem_field.grid(row=3, column=1, ipadx="100")
form_no_field.grid(row=4, column=1, ipadx="100")
contact_no_field.grid(row=5, column=1, ipadx="100")
email_id_field.grid(row=6, column=1, ipadx="100")
address_field.grid(row=7, column=1, ipadx="100")

# call excel function

# create a Submit Button and place into the root window
submit = Button(root, text="Submit", fg="Black",
bg="Red", command=insert)
submit.grid(row=8, column=1)

# start the GUI




  # https://pyperclip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ import pyperclip while True :     # pyperclip.copy('Hello, world!')     # pyperclip.paste()     # pyperclip.waitForPaste()     print ( pyperclip. waitForNewPaste ( ) )     # 获取要输入新的坐标,也可以通过autohotkey import time import pyautogui  as pag import os   try :     while True :         print ( "Press Ctrl-C to end" )         x , y = pag. position ( )   # 返回鼠标的坐标         posStr = "Position:" + str ( x ) . rjust ( 4 ) + ',' + str ( y ) . rjust ( 4 )         print ( posStr )   # 打印坐标         time . sleep ( 0.2 )         os . system ( 'cls' )   # 清楚屏幕 except KeyboardInterrupt :     print ( 'end....' )     # 打印消息 import pyautogui import time import pyperclip   content = """   呼叫龙叔! 第二遍! 第三遍! 第四遍...


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