SQLite是一个独立的,无服务器的,无配置的事务型SQL数据库引擎 SQLite仅支持五种数据类型:null, integer, real, text and blob import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("mydatabase.db") # or use :memory: to put it in RAM cursor = conn.cursor() # create a table cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE albums (title text, artist text, release_date text, publisher text, media_type text) """) # insert some data cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO albums VALUES ('Glow', 'Andy Hunter', '7/24/2012', 'Xplore Records', 'MP3')""" ) # save data to database conn.commit() ------------------------------------------ # insert multiple records using the more secure "?" method albums = [('Exodus', 'Andy Hunter', '7/9/2002', 'Sparrow Records', 'CD'), ('Until We Have Faces', 'Red', '2/1/2011', 'Essential Records', 'CD'), ('The End is Where We Begin', 'Thousand Foot Krutch', '4/17/2012', 'TFKmusic', 'CD'), ('The Good Life', 'Trip Lee', '4/10/2012', 'Reach Records', 'CD')] cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO albums VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", albums) conn.commit() --------------------------------------- import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("mydatabase.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ UPDATE albums SET artist = 'John Doe' WHERE artist = 'Andy Hunter' """ cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() --------------------------------------- import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("mydatabase.db") cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ DELETE FROM albums WHERE artist = 'John Doe' """ cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() -------------------------------- import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("mydatabase.db") #conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cursor = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM albums WHERE artist=?" cursor.execute(sql, [("Red")]) print(cursor.fetchall()) # or use fetchone() print("\nHere's a listing of all the records in the table:\n") for row in cursor.execute("SELECT rowid, * FROM albums ORDER BY artist"): print(row) print("\nResults from a LIKE query:\n") sql = """ SELECT * FROM albums WHERE title LIKE 'The%'""" cursor.execute(sql) print(cursor.fetchall()) 我们执行SQL并使用fetchall()返回所有结果。您也可以使用fetchone()获取第一个结果。您还将注意到,其中有一个与神秘的row_factory相关的注释掉的部分。如果您取消注释该行,则结果将作为类似于Python字典的Row对象返回,使您可以像字典一样访问该行的字段。但是,您不能使用Row对象进行项目分配
SQLAlchemy是Python SQL工具箱和对象关系映射器,它为应用程序开发人员提供了SQL的全部功能和灵活性。它提供了一整套众所周知的企业级持久性模式,旨在用于高效和高性能的数据库访问,并被适配为简单的Pythonic域语言
pip install sqlalchemy# Create a Database # from sqlalchemy import create_engine, ForeignKey from sqlalchemy import Column, Date, Integer, String from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref engine = create_engine('sqlite:///mymusic.db', echo=True) Base = declarative_base() class Artist(Base): """""" __tablename__ = "artists" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) class Album(Base): """""" __tablename__ = "albums" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) title = Column(String) release_date = Column(Date) publisher = Column(String) media_type = Column(String) artist_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) artist = relationship("Artist", backref=backref("albums", order_by=id)) # create tables Base.metadata.create_all(engine) # Insert / Add Data to Your Tables # import datetime from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from table_def import Album, Artist engine = create_engine('sqlite:///mymusic.db', echo=True) # create a Session Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() # Create an artist new_artist = Artist(name="Newsboys") new_artist.albums = [Album(title="Read All About It",,12,1), publisher="Refuge", media_type="CD")] # add more albums more_albums = [Album(title="Hell Is for Wimps",,7,31), publisher="Star Song", media_type="CD"), Album(title="Love Liberty Disco",,11,16), publisher="Sparrow", media_type="CD"), Album(title="Thrive",,3,26), publisher="Sparrow", media_type="CD")] new_artist.albums.extend(more_albums) # Add the record to the session object session.add(new_artist) # commit the record the database session.commit() # Add several artists session.add_all([ Artist(name="MXPX"), Artist(name="Kutless"), Artist(name="Thousand Foot Krutch") ]) session.commit() # Modify Records with SQLAlchemy # from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from table_def import Album, Artist engine = create_engine('sqlite:///mymusic.db', echo=True) # create a Session Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() # querying for a record in the Artist table res = session.query(Artist).filter("Kutless").first() print( # changing the name = "Beach Boys" session.commit() # editing Album data artist, album = session.query(Artist, Album).filter("Thrive").first() album.title = "Step Up to the Microphone" session.commit() # Delete Records in SQLAlchemy # from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from table_def import Album, Artist engine = create_engine('sqlite:///mymusic.db', echo=True) # create a Session Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() res = session.query(Artist).filter("MXPX").first() session.delete(res) session.commit() # The Basic SQL Queries of SQLAlchemy # from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from table_def import Album, Artist engine = create_engine('sqlite:///mymusic.db', echo=True) # create a Session Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() # how to do a SELECT * (i.e. all) res = session.query(Artist).all() for artist in res: print( # how to SELECT the first result res = session.query(Artist).filter("Newsboys").first() # how to sort the results (ORDER_BY) res = session.query(Album).order_by(Album.title).all() for album in res: print(album.title) # how to do a JOINed query qry = session.query(Artist, Album) qry = qry.filter( artist, album = qry.filter(Album.title=="Step Up to the Microphone").first() # how to use LIKE in a query res = session.query(Album).filter("S%a%")).all() for item in res: print(item.publisher)